Strange salad Cockail Dressing
Strange salad Cocktail dressing
 ( CTP, TxcTm )
_ Click it ! ( low for 56k) (high for 128k)
_ avoid the guy in blue ( low ) (high)
_ at some point I forget ( low ) (high)
_ avec paroles ( low ) ( low ) (high)
_ une rupture a Paris / (Neguentropine]"doucement"remix / ( low ) (high)
_ the guy in blue again( low ) (high)

_We're proud to got Strange salad Cocktail dressing (2S.C.D) on that website!

_Also known as superfenics, sawtooth, stone pink and kalvin clean, strange _salad cocktail dressing briskly mixes its most pop influences and more _experimental, according to his mood, or as he says it himself "weatherwise" _Of the funk 70' S has "Steve Reich while passing by Stevie Wonder and _midi"oldschool "without forgetting Bruce Lee and Goethe, of micro events in _hypnotic beaches, of erudite rates/rhythms in tablecloths idiots, 2S.C.D. has _an envelope of charms and one forgets quickly what is around!! one wonders _whats in this sauce...

_He's also a menber the "Toxic Team".

_Superkenel, and him co-foundated CTP, there're some differebts tracks to _listen on .

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